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I've added a number of waterway relations and rivers in my area, and I would like to use the OSM data to calculate the total length of each river based on the relation. I would also like to be able to route along the way of the river or stream, for kayaking, canoeing and boating.

Is there already a web-based service that can calculate the length of a river way or river relation?

Is there a web service that provides routing along rivers and waterways?

I believe there is a JOSM plugin I could download, but this is quite difficult for me due to slow internet and an old laptop, so online options are easier. But I'm also interested in hearing about other offline options, if nothing else is available

asked 03 Aug '18, 05:40

Joseph%20E's gravatar image

Joseph E
accept rate: 15%

OSM Relation Analyzer calculates the length of a relation. JOSM displays the length of selected ways in the status bar.

BRouter-Web has a "river" profile for some basic waterway routing (only river, no streams). I also found Routino OpenSeaMap Router, but seems to be Europe only.

I would take the lengths with a grain of salt, as they vary with type of measurement and calculation. E.g. for Neckar:

permanent link

answered 06 Aug '18, 18:05

ikonor's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 06 Aug '18, 18:09

Thank you, BRouter is great! The Relationship Analyzer is also very helpful. I hope it will make it easier for me to add the names to rivers properly.

(07 Aug '18, 08:48) Joseph E

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question asked: 03 Aug '18, 05:40

question was seen: 3,395 times

last updated: 07 Aug '18, 08:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum