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in the past week or so I recorded a number of tracks with "Locus Map Pro" on Android 7.1 without any problems.

Recording time was between two and five hours.

Today I recorded a nine hour track; when I tried to upload it, all I got was the above error message (in white on orange). There was no "upload failure" email message which might have told me more.

What can I do to get the info contained in that track (106 points) into OSM?

Surely the track can't simply be too long?

Regards, Jochen

asked 02 Aug '18, 21:24

Marabu_Too's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 03 Aug '18, 12:05

In case something was wrong with the network connection or when the server was down, it's pretty hard to send an email. I admit that Locus Map Pro could have been more informative, but on the other side they do not necessarily know more.

Maybe you should just try again now ? It could have been a hickup that is fixed in the meantime.

(03 Aug '18, 04:14) escada

I ried again around midnight, and just now.

Same result.

To see if it was something about this particular track I tried uploading a short track that I had not uploaded before simply because it contained only one info relevant to OSM - same result.

I tapped "Remove Login" in Locus' Export dialogue, logged in again to OSM, making sure that Locus had all permissions necessary for upload granted - same result.

(03 Aug '18, 08:20) Marabu_Too

This is rather difficult to debug without access to the systems in question, I would suggest contacting the sysadmins.

(03 Aug '18, 10:31) SimonPoole ♦

Thanks - this worked (at least I am now "waiting" rather than "Unauthorized"); the rest, I hope, the Locus forum will deal with.

(03 Aug '18, 11:46) Marabu_Too

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Marabu_Too 03 Aug '18, 12:05

Try uploading your tracks at

permanent link

answered 03 Aug '18, 08:55

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


The link scai provides here is simply the UI for a manual upload.

(03 Aug '18, 12:10) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 02 Aug '18, 21:24

question was seen: 1,542 times

last updated: 03 Aug '18, 12:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum