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When viewing the Cruise mapper map it shows Ocean Cay to be near Marathon in the Fla. Keys. The actual location is in the Bahamas 17 miles S of Bimini. It has been purchased by MSC cruise lines as a private island. Coordinates are W 79deg 12'36" N 25deg 25'30". How can the incorrect listing be corrected to show the accurate location.

asked 01 Aug '18, 16:49

Coon%20Point's gravatar image

Coon Point
accept rate: 0%


The "Cruise mapper map" doesn't ring a bell, if it is based on OSM data you or "we" can simply move the island to where it should be (easy to do if there is aerial imagery of the location).

It would be helpful if you provided links to both locations from

(01 Aug '18, 16:55) SimonPoole ♦

This is the link to Cruise mapper location. Does OSM provide the port location and name with the anchor symbol or is that done by another party?

(01 Aug '18, 17:07) Coon Point

It seems to be some other party providing the wrong location. Here's the OSM feature, which is at the location you provide:

permanent link

answered 01 Aug '18, 17:14

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 01 Aug '18, 16:49

question was seen: 1,026 times

last updated: 01 Aug '18, 17:15

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