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How can I extract GPS traces from Open Street Map as individual trajectories of a particular area (Bounding Box). Right now when I get the gpx (GPS trace file) file of a particular area selected by Bounding Box I get a set of points, but they are not organised based on which points belong to which particular trajectory. The reason I am doing this is to collect all the complete trajectories and not some set of GPS points of a particular area.

Please feel free comment if the question is not clear.....

Thanks in advance.....

Best Regards, Saptarshi

asked 01 Aug '18, 13:24

Saptarshi%20Mukherjee's gravatar image

Saptarshi Mu...
accept rate: 0%

This is a feature not a bug.

Traces can be uploaded to OSM with various degrees of privacy. The raw trace download is of a point cloud of all traces within a given area. Public traces which are the ones which will enable you to view the trajectory are associated with individuals have unique identifiers (this is a recent one of mine).

I don't believe that there is an API call which allows downloading all such traces in an area. Rather traces can be retrieved by id or by user, or by keyword for a given user.

These limitations are at least partly influenced by the need to offer a basic level of privacy protection to people submitting traces, whilst making them useful for mapping.

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answered 01 Aug '18, 16:04

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 01 Aug '18, 13:24

question was seen: 2,321 times

last updated: 01 Aug '18, 16:04

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