I've been reading about using openstreetmap to get hospitals near GPS coordinates but I have become a little confused. It looks like there is the Nominatim and the Overpass API. I'm not sure which one I should be using. Right now I am doing about 100 queries a day, the most I expect in a day is 500. Should I be using Nominatim or Overpass API for my task? |
Both may suit your task, it really depends what type of information you want. Nominatim returns an object with a hierarchy of location information; Overpass will give you the basic OSM objects as they are tagged. Both are volunteer maintained services run on OSMF or other non-profit servers, so you should make no assumptions about likely service levels. Availability for uses such as yours entirely depends on whether servers are overloaded or not. Note that around 150k objects have been mapped as hospitals on OSM, but many of these, particularly in poorer parts of the world, may be other health care facilties (clinics, general practices etc) rather than hospitals with in-patient facilities, and specialist surgeons and physicians. |
hi there by the way iin openstreetmap-solutions it is like so:
Here's an example Overpass-API query that returns hospitals within a 10 Km radius of that location.