I have recently added a building using iD. It took some time to start appearing but now it started to appear, but only on certain zoom levels
1- Max Zoom, does not appear
2- Zoom out. It appears.
3- I zoom out again. Disappears Note that the other buildings are not affected. They always appear. Is this issue due to some sort of caching of tiles on some zoom levels, and after some time it will appear on all zoom level? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question (please click on your question's tags and see escada's answer)" by aseerel4c26 27 Jul '18, 14:29
If you search a bit on this website, you might notice that many similar questions have been asked in the past, search for disappear The reason for the disappearing building
So wait a bit longer, and refresh your browser cache. |