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I downloaded de "pdfimport" plugin into my JOSM (for Windows) and it doesn´t works. Someone could help me?

asked 22 Jul '11, 17:34

Valdir%20Rodrigues%20Barbosa's gravatar image

Valdir Rodri...
accept rate: 0%


We can better assist you if you can describe your trouble in more detail. Does it crash on start up or when you click a certain button? Is the projection incorrect? I'd be happy to help if you can give us more details.

(25 Jul '11, 18:50) JoshD

I had installed the plugin and when I restart JOSM it show the message: "the plugin pdfimport was not found. Delete from preferences?" I am using the Windows 7 and it happened both in the tested and latest JOSM version.

(26 Jul '11, 01:56) Valdir Rodri...

For your information, I've tried the plugin v26224 with JOSM v4223 running both under WinXP and WinVista and it is working without problem. Perhaps it's a specific Win7 problem or a conflict with another plugin you're running? (PDF Import takes the vector data from a PDF and puts it into a new layer. It needs the geographical coordinates of 2 points in the PDF-drawing in order to properly scale and place the vector data in OSM.)

(26 Jul '11, 22:33) Arie Scheffer

I haven't tried this JOSM plugin. There's not much information about it. But looking at the code in trac, we can see it was developed by user 'extropy'. A Latvian chap. You could click 'send message' to contact him about it directly. Maybe you could link him to this question.

Alternatively you could ask a different question. Describe the type of PDF you are trying to convert and see what software/procedure people recommend. Direct conversion to OSM data may not be the best approach.

permanent link

answered 23 Jul '11, 01:30

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 23 Jul '11, 01:31

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question asked: 22 Jul '11, 17:34

question was seen: 5,159 times

last updated: 26 Jul '11, 22:33

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