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I'm looking into running multiple renderd instances across multiple machines to load balance the rendering of tiles. It seems like renderd supports this with the [renderd01] and [renderd02] options in the config files. If anyone has any experience, I was hoping to ask a few questions since I've had trouble finding resources online about it:

  1. Is this possible?
  2. Is there a limit to how many instances you can run? e.g. Can you add [renderd03], etc.?
  3. Does the master instance act as the single point of contact to clients and it distributes requests to its worker instances on different machines?
  4. Is there any explanation of the configuration required on the master and worker instances? The config file on the master looks like it needs IPs of the workers. How do the workers know where the master is located on the network?
  5. Are there any other gotchas that would be helpful to know about?

Thank you!

asked 27 Jul '18, 00:43

coderunner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems like renderd supports this with the [renderd01] and [renderd02] options in the config files.

Just to be clear, which config file are you talking about? If you mean renderd.conf, then you can define multiple styles in one file, but that's the opposite of what you want I think.

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answered 28 Jul '18, 14:25

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Yes sorry. Didn't specify but I meant renderd.conf. It looks like you set the IP for the worker machines in those sections and the master load balances requests across all the workers listed (even if they are on separate machines on the same network?

Also if you are the owner of the someoneelseosm mod_tile fork, thanks for doing that!

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answered 28 Jul '18, 14:55

coderunner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jul '18, 14:56

It looks like you set the IP for the worker machines in those sections and the master load balances requests across all the workers

If you can get all that working it'd be great if you could write up a diary entry or similar about it - I'm sure that it'd be useful to lots of other people.

(28 Jul '18, 15:00) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 27 Jul '18, 00:43

question was seen: 1,670 times

last updated: 28 Jul '18, 15:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum