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I live in a fairly new neighborhood and the streets are in the map but there are no street names or house number information so searching for addresses in this neighborhood fails.

Is there specific guidance on how to properly enter street names and house number information on residential streets?

The information I've found in the Wiki has been a little too general for a newbie like myself. I'm willing to do the work and willing to learn, just need a little more guidance.

asked 26 Jul '18, 17:38

rwa5908's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you show us where this is? Just zoom to your neighbourhood, then post the contents of the browsers adress line here.

(26 Jul '18, 22:12) Hjart

I’ve added street names. Let me know if I’ve done it incorrectly.

(27 Jul '18, 01:19) rwa5908

Looks good to me.

I don't use iD so I don't know if you can, but it would be nice to have the change set comment indicate you got the name information by survey. That is not shown in the change set:

P.S. Congratulations on your OpenStreetMap edits!

(27 Jul '18, 16:45) n76

As mentioned by Hjart, a location would allow us to better help you.

That said, if the streets are their, then select them and add a name tag.

If you wish to go further, you can add nodes (or even building outlines) and tag them with addr:housenumber containing the number and addr:street with the name of the street. I've heard the addr:city tag is not really necessary but I like to add them anyway.

That should be sufficient to get address look up to work.

You can get more involved and flesh out the street tagging with things like width, lanes, surface, speed limits, lane information, etc. And you can flesh out the houses with outline polygons and even 3d information. But just getting street names and address nodes on the map will probably be the single biggest thing for making the map more usable in your area.

permanent link

answered 27 Jul '18, 01:16

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 26 Jul '18, 17:38

question was seen: 7,426 times

last updated: 27 Jul '18, 16:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum