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I'm trying to add street names and house number ranges in my neighborhood which someone created but did not include any address information. Several of the streets change names at certain intersections. My understanding is the road/way will have to be split at the point where the name changes, but I don't know how to do that in iD.

asked 25 Jul '18, 17:41

rwa5908's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Jul '18, 17:38


Moving your second question to another topic is preferable to mixing the answers here.

(25 Jul '18, 18:17) maxerickson

Second question moved to separate topic.

(26 Jul '18, 17:39) rwa5908

To split a street, click on the point where you want to split the street and then right click and click the scissors button. You can also just press "x" on your keyboard after clicking to select the point.

To see existing points, you can click on the street to select it, the circles visible when the street is selected are the points where you can split the street (In OpenStreetMap jargon, they are "nodes").

If none of the existing points are a good place to split the street, you can add one by clicking and dragging one of the triangles visible with the street selected.

permanent link

answered 25 Jul '18, 18:17

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%


Ok, I was not seeing the scissors as I had not clicked on a node. Thanks for your help!

(26 Jul '18, 17:40) rwa5908

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question asked: 25 Jul '18, 17:41

question was seen: 4,482 times

last updated: 26 Jul '18, 21:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum