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I am the administrator of a private airfield, and on the map it is described by the name of the company that previously owned the property. How do I update this? The current name is Trent Aerial Spraying Company and the GPS coordinates are approximately 41.7282 -90.0022... I would like to change the name to "4IL5" which is the FAA designation for the field. How do I do this?

asked 25 Jul '18, 15:57

cloud09's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The FAA code "4IL5" would ideally go in the "faa" tag. Does the airfield have a real name, or is it unnamed and just has a designation code? If it doesn't have a name, it shouldn't have a "name" tag.

(25 Jul '18, 18:17) alester

The the name of my company is Frank's Flying Service, so that would be the name of the airport. The FAA identifier is 4IL5. I'm not sure about ICAO or IATA. I'll change it accordingly. Thanks.

(25 Jul '18, 18:36) cloud09

That's probably this object: . You simply create an account with OSM, press the "Edit" button, change the name and save.

permanent link

answered 25 Jul '18, 16:36

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Jul '18, 18:57


Alternatively, if you don't want to become a regular contributor, you can ask one of us to make that change for you.

(25 Jul '18, 18:00) AlaskaDave

Looks like it has already been changed.

(26 Jul '18, 07:49) scai ♦

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question asked: 25 Jul '18, 15:57

question was seen: 1,114 times

last updated: 26 Jul '18, 07:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum