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Am I able to add the name of a location to a building that is already on the maps? Also, how would I be able to search for specific companies that I am looking to use a map of? For example a nationwide chain of grocery stores that I need surrounding maps of but when I search the addresses the company does not come up as a label.

Thank you!

asked 24 Jul '18, 19:12

AnnHoganDA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How to add points of interests (that is for example shops, restaurants and so on) depends a bit on the situation.

If it occupies the whole building you can add the attributes (tags) for the kind of POI and the name to the building outline, it is however equally valid to simply add a node (point) inside the building outline and add the tags to the point (if there are multiple POIs in the same building that is the usual way to add them in any case).

I suspect you should read one of the beginner tutorials on OSM, see for example

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answered 24 Jul '18, 21:11

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 24 Jul '18, 19:12

question was seen: 2,814 times

last updated: 24 Jul '18, 21:11

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