Hello OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, Looking for a way to show a map with markers for events and a calendar where the date of each event is shown. This needs to be available for collaborative editing. Each event would have a name, date and time, place, tags ('seminar' 'lecture' 'food' for example), and a longer description with clickable urls. People need to be able to view the events on a map, zoom in, zoom out, the calendar would update accordingly and people need to be able to filter out the events by tags or dates also. Instead of a calendar it can be a list ordered by date/time. This is fine. It would be nice to have something collaborative and transparent so that I can see who added what event and if they added garbage then I can remove all garbage added by a particular user and block them if needed. The closest I could find is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cargo/Display_formats (it has maps, timeline) but it seems to be a bit more manual than what I need. Ideas, please? Your suggestions about how to develop this would be appreciated. asked 23 Jul '18, 06:57 Gryllida aseerel4c26 ♦ |
I saw this presentation at SotM 2016 about OpenEventDatabase
I have no idea about the current state of that project.