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My team and I are working on a flight simulation project that focuses on Germany and parts of the adjacent countries. We are using OSM data for many uses, like placement of ground objects and texture mapping. For this purpose, it works extremely well, although we have found that there are gaps in the data. In particular, farmfields, which are a very important part of the German countryside, are greatly serviced by some clever use of the OSM data. In some places, we have almost 100% coverage, while in other areas, fields may not be mapped at all or are lacking in coverage in some areas. Obviously, because we are rasterizing these vector shapes at a large scale, it presents an issue, and we need more complete landuse data here.

I am primarily looking to get in touch with someone within the German OSM community (if one exists) to see if that community would be willing to assist in filling these gaps. It is something my team are prepared to do on our own, but it's a very large task and we are not particularly experienced in OSM mapping itself, not to mention we're a small indie team with limited resources.


asked 18 Jul '18, 03:53

dnorlin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jul '18, 21:53

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

What source do you have available for filling these landuse gaps?

(18 Jul '18, 07:50) scai ♦

@dnorlin: You've got mail!

(19 Jul '18, 09:22) Nehaj
(20 Jul '18, 21:53) aseerel4c26 ♦

Welcome, thanks for using OSM and wanting to really help to improve it. We are aware of varying coverage (completeness) in many aspects. An example for the issue as I understand it: complete landuses vs. nearly no agricultural landuse in out data. This is due to the way OSM works - fully based on volunteers and often by local people with local knowledge.

Likely will be of interest for you, in case you have not spotted it yet.

Among all the contact channels I think the German community can best (and easiest) be reached via the OSM forum in the Germany forum. Mailing list would be an alternative. Please post your interaction request and mention this previous location in one of both options and provide a link to the new location here (forward/backward link).

As a start it surely will be useful if you just start to map a bit around your office/home - e.g. add your favourite restaurants and so on. Just to get used to the OSM editing. Especially if you guys are techies I would recommend to start with the OSM editor JOSM. Please be aware of the tips at (for your editing as a team).

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '18, 06:28

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 18 Jul '18, 06:48

Thank you for the recommendation. I will try posting there!

(20 Jul '18, 03:31) dnorlin

@dnorlin: meta: Please could you mark the answer as accepted if it solves your problem and you need no further answers (here).

(20 Jul '18, 21:54) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 18 Jul '18, 03:53

question was seen: 2,010 times

last updated: 20 Jul '18, 21:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum