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I noticed an area where the air photos are shifted quite a distance to the left. When you follow in Suriname the road from Pengel Airport to the north, to Paramaribo, you will notice that suddenly the road jumps to the left. A few kilometers further north this road jumps back to the right. So the whole picture over this area has shifted to the left. This makes adjusting the map difficult. Is there someone who can repair this?

asked 17 Jul '18, 11:40

Chemicus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jul '18, 12:38

Hjart's gravatar image


Which imagery are you looking at? Is it Bing, Esri, DG..?

(17 Jul '18, 17:09) Hjart

If you mean here? I would suggest that more gpxes need to be recorded and uploaded. The images may be 4 to 5 meters off the line of the road ( a car length maybe) but you need more gpxes to confirm where to check and possibly adjust the imagery before you move the roads and buildings. But they maybe OK.

(17 Jul '18, 17:54) andy mackey

I mean here: In Bing air photos, in the edit mode.

(18 Jul '18, 18:04) Chemicus

Ok. i think you need several gpx traces to know where the error is.

(18 Jul '18, 20:28) andy mackey

Ok. Shifts like that used to be quite common in older aerial imagery. If you're using iD, I'll suggest that you click the "Background" icon and select either "Digital Globe Standard fotos" or "Esri World fotos". None of those exhibits the shift seen in Bing imagery. Also make sure to compare with the various gps tracks around the area.

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answered 19 Jul '18, 12:21

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 19 Jul '18, 12:22

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question asked: 17 Jul '18, 11:40

question was seen: 1,471 times

last updated: 21 Jul '18, 12:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum