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I am trying to build a tile server. For implementation, I am going through the steps given in switch2osm and osm-carto-tutorial. I found in switch2osm, they are suggesting to use whereas osm-carto-tutorial is used.

So my question is what are problems I may face if I use openstreetmap mod_tile instead of SomeoneElse's mod_tiles?Or which mod_tile project is recommended?

asked 17 Jul '18, 07:56

anuranpal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I made the change a couple of switch2osm releases ago. It made no sense to have everyone following the switch2osm "manual" instructions (which are designed to be as simple as possible to follow) all making the same changes to config files. There are 3 active branches of - master, which tracks the parent repository, switch2osm, which incorporates some minor changes to config files to match the switch2osm instructions, and zoom which incorporates some further changes to support zoom levels up to 24. See this diary entry for details. The paths used in the metatile cache are different in the "zoom" and other branches, so it wouldn't be possible to make that a "switch2osm standard" without everyone deleting their tile caches.

As to whether you'd want to follow switch2osm or Ircama's instructions, it's up to you. The switch2osm guides deliberately use packages distributed as part of the OS if possible; Ircama's guide suggests using later versions from elsewhere in some cases. For example, if you want to use Mapnik 3.0.19 on Ubuntu 16.04 Ircama's guide explains how but switch2osm doesn't, in the interests of keeping it simple for people who have not set up a tile server before. If you're installing on Ubuntu 18.04 I think you'll actually end up in pretty much the same place whichever set of instructions you follow. One possible diffeence is that the tile expiry scripts in the switch2osm version work out of the box; the parent ones may not.

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answered 17 Jul '18, 14:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 17 Jul '18, 14:11

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question asked: 17 Jul '18, 07:56

question was seen: 2,274 times

last updated: 17 Jul '18, 14:11

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