I am new in OSM(Q-GIS..quantumnik) and I have problems with my Motorway/Trunk casing. I need the casing to be thick.. but it seems that lower level roads does not respect casing and "bites in" ,, see picture. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/174h.png I think, that bridge/tunnel stuff solves only "fill" and not "casing", I guess nobody expected thick casing. I work with XML. Any advice? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/174h.png [Tertiary bites into Motorway] |
So normally this is the way you want to draw things - the casings are all drawn first, and all the fills are drawn on top of all the other casings. That's generally what looks best. Your wide casings are different, and are more similar to the method used for drawing highways in the MapQuest stylesheet. You can find the XML at github and an example output on their site. They draw all the other roads first, and then draw the motorway casing after that and the motorway fill last. That means that their casing is never interrupted by fills, which is the problem that you are wanting to solve. It becomes harder if you want to deal properly with bridges and so on. You will need to experiment with combinations of layer tags, bridge tags and drawing motorway casings after other fills in order to get the effect you seek. "" They draw all the other roads first, and then draw the motorway casing after that and the motorway fill last. That means that their casing is never interrupted by fills, "" Yes, that is what I want, but how to reach that? I though, that this is the ordinary way, how Mapnik works. And I have read somewhere, that I can not change layer order :S
(25 Jul '11, 10:13)
If you want to solve this problem keeping the wide casings you will have to interact with the layer order in the way Andy suggested. I am sure it is possible (because all the code is open source).
(26 Jul '11, 18:27)
Did I mention that I am beginner ? :D. Allright, I have found layer order. They way, how it is rendered, as was said before, is, that first goes casing and on top is fill. This works for every road, basically like in packet (first casing of all roads and then fills of all roads). I need to do: I dont know, how to exclude motorway/trunk from packet :/ Hello rocejar, it is better to use this O&A-site not like a forum with posting a new answer as a further questuion to the core issue or as an answer to others' contributions. Because each answer to your first question can be ranked by all users to find out what might be most helpful. So please use the comment function here, or convert your new "answer" to a comment of the other answers. And: for such a deep asking about data structures you might get better help at forum or mailing lists, like I already hinted.
(02 Aug '11, 16:13)
I understand. Sorry for this. Anyway.. problem solved :] Needed to take out Motorway/Trunk from standart layer rule and make a new layer rule for them.
(03 Aug '11, 07:05)
The question is not very clear, and the picture is very small. What do you mean by "biting in"?
This seems to be a specific problem at a higher level of data processing.
Maybe you can find better help at one of the OSM Mailing lists ( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mailing_lists ) or at the OSM forum, see http://forum.osm.org