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Hi I have setup Postgres as cluster model (master & slave). Imported planet data with Flatnode_File config in master server & DB data will sync to slave(not flatnode file) Now I want to query(geocode/reverse) in both master & slave. Is there any problem(performance/data related) will arrive while querying in slave?

asked 14 Jul '18, 15:55

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

You only need the flatnode file on the master. It is used during import and data update, not querying. Master/slave should work. The slave database cannot be written to directly so make sure you keep the @define('CONST_Log_DB', false); (settings.php).

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answered 14 Jul '18, 18:21

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

@mtmail: Thank you

(14 Jul '18, 20:19) Rajavelu_M

Note that if you use a syncing mechanism that can do per-table sync (like e.g. slony), you only need to replicate a subset of all tables for geocoding to work. The list of required tables is here:

(15 Jul '18, 09:24) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 14 Jul '18, 15:55

question was seen: 2,143 times

last updated: 15 Jul '18, 09:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum