Can OpenStreetMap utilize the speed of SSD SAN Storage in a VMWare virtualization environment? Given that the ESXi host would be doing the ultimate write to the SAN, and hence is a potential bottleneck. |
Short answer - yes. Slightly longer answer - it'd depend on where the bottleneck is (what's limiting the speed of access to data on the SAN now?), but in all likelihood having the VM accessing faster disk will make a difference. Hi SomeoneElse, Thank you for the info. For clarification, we would be hosting our own server and, before we converted part of our SAN into SSD storage, we wanted to be sure that this solution would be able to make full use of the increased write speed in a virtualized (VMWare) environment.
(13 Jul '18, 21:23)
You haven't said what kind of server you are hosting - I assume a tile server? There are many ways to shoot yourself in the foot by misconfiguring the virtual environment, or using a virtualisation software with badly written disk virtualisation drivers, but all else being equal, using SSD will make a difference. I notice you are talking about a SAN - this would commonly mean that the disks are not even built into the VM host, but somewhere else. This adds another layer of shoot-yourself-in-the-foot possiblities; database access on a tile server is very heavy on random I/O so it is the latency that counts. A SSD that is built into the VM host will always beat a SAN on performance.
(13 Jul '18, 23:53)
Frederik Ramm ♦
what do you mean by "OpenStreetMap"? Do you want to donate hardware? Do you want to run your own server (what should it serve?)?