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In a scenario where there is a slip road and pedestrian island, which crossing ( Street Crossing 1 or Street Crossing 2 ) should have the crossing:island=yes tag? Or should both of them have it?

asked 13 Jul '18, 01:09

MeghanKNg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Jul '18, 01:11

Neither. In your case, for each single crossing, there's no island in the middle of the road. See crossing:island for more info and a visual example of what crossing:island=yes is intended to represent.

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answered 13 Jul '18, 16:38

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

Hi, thanks for your response! Then I guess the "island" in between the two crossings is not considered an island? What would it be called instead?

How about the "island" between and ?

Or, do you only mean that these are considered islands, as seen on the wiki page:

(13 Jul '18, 18:00) MeghanKNg

The area between those two nodes is typically referred to as an island, but this is different from the OSM crossing:island. I'm not aware of an OSM tag that can be used to represent an island between two crossings like this. For an example of crossing:island, see here (sorry for the use of Google).

(13 Jul '18, 18:58) alester

I would set it for none of the crossings.

I think the crossing:island=yes and crossing=island tags both are rather meant for the non-detailed mapping state where one road has not been split up into several highway objects in osm, one for each lane (example ).

If you want to map the area of the traffic island do it like in this example: (or one of the other tags mentioned on ).

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answered 13 Jul '18, 21:12

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 13 Jul '18, 21:13

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question asked: 13 Jul '18, 01:09

question was seen: 3,363 times

last updated: 13 Jul '18, 21:13

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