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There doesn't seem to be any documentation on the difference between the two...

asked 13 Jul '18, 00:55

MeghanKNg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Jul '18, 18:32

It might help if you can provide some context. Where are you seeing these terms?

(13 Jul '18, 16:34) alester

Usually I see this when I create a node and decide whether or not to choose the Pedestrian Crosswalk or Street Crossing option in the panel on the left. (Just realized I meant Pedestrian Crosswalk, not Pedestrian Crossing).

(13 Jul '18, 17:47) MeghanKNg

I assume you're referring to the presets in iD. If that's the case, here are the tags that are applied by each preset:

Pedestrian Crosswalk: highway=crossing + crossing=zebra

Street Crossing: highway=crossing

These tags can be seen by selecting the preset and then expanding the "All tags" section.

permanent link

answered 13 Jul '18, 21:02

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

edited 13 Jul '18, 21:03

That's interesting! I didn't know that "zebra" was a value for the "crossing" key. I thought it was only a value for the "crossing_ref" key?

(13 Jul '18, 21:04) MeghanKNg

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question asked: 13 Jul '18, 00:55

question was seen: 2,940 times

last updated: 13 Jul '18, 21:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum