What is the process to figure out who/how a good road was deleted? Part of a road has been removed from OSM even though it still exists. It even exists in TIGER. The area has been updated because the highways were shifted. The following link contains the partially deleted road: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&changeset=52457852#map=17/48.15132/-103.65031 I've tried using the "History" feature, but it only shows all Changesets, almost all of which are irrelevant. I don't see a way to filter/sort the History. If also clicked on some changesets that I thought might be it, but I don't see any way to actually view the edits on the map. For example, if I click a deleted node, it doesn't show a marker or anything. https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/52457852#map=17/48.15099/-103.64931 EDIT: I've fixed it, but the original gap can be viewed on the OSM tiles. It's Reiger Rd, just west of "West Dakota Parkway". |
If you switch on TIGER Roads 2017 background layer then the section of road at the north end of the gap, https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/9829576/history#map=19/48.15357/-103.65094 (which is the bit you deleted) looks like in TIGER it ended at the end of the power line. The original import was from an older version of TIGER so I don't expect it ever did go all the way through in OpenStreetMap - you'll see from the way history that version 1 was it being added and version 2 was you deleting it. Similarly the southern end that you extended https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/497276884/history wasn't from a TIGER import but added by another mapper about 1 year ago. You're right. I was less right. I was actually looking at the ND DOT Roads Geodatabase. I suppose no one merges data from each state's DOT, but only from TIGER?
(09 Jul '18, 19:48)