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I am involved in a very active search and rescue organization, and most of our missions include searches for elderly Alzheimer adults in a urban type environment. I am looking for the ability to input an address and range, and to somehow generate search grids. Can someone please point me in the direction I should be taking to make this happen. Thanks in advance.

asked 20 Jul '11, 19:25

vbnyc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jul '11, 19:33

If I understand right you would need a map and when you click a place it should draw all the possible places a person could have walked to, in a limited time.

I think nothing like that exists, but could be done.

This is a similar idea but with public transport. You move the slider in the bottom, and see how far you can get with public transport in a given time. It doesn't work with all cities. It uses OSM data of public transport.

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answered 21 Jul '11, 14:27

Janjko's gravatar image

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edited 21 Jul '11, 14:28

Thanks for your response, but no that is not what I am looking for. In search and rescue missions, after a search area is determined, for example a one mile radius, it is then further divided into grids. I am looking for a method to create those grids easily.

(21 Jul '11, 17:31) vbnyc

There is a number of ways you can do this. There is an in-built grid division in the way map tiles are served up. I think it's rather elegant and simple to make use of this. For example a tile with coordinates 130994,87124 can be opened in the browser at this URL:

The '18' in this URL is the zoom level.

CloudMade do a diddy 64x64px version of tiles following the same coordinate scheme.

You should take a look at the QualityStreetMap tool, which uses tile coordinates, and has a selecting interface. In fact it has an open tagging scheme which you could perhaps just use directly for tracking your searches. Job done! However you'd probably want to look at installing it on your own server.

Another tool which does interesting grid things is MapOSMatic. Grid lines drawn on the PDF output maps.

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answered 21 Jul '11, 18:29

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Yet another option is to look at the FOSS Viking package. I know it runs on Linux & Windows.

While ostensibly designed for view GPS tracks, it works really well for simply looking at maps and creating your own routes. The default installation allows maps from several different OSM tile servers (the things that take the data and make pictures out of it), along with some other sources including areal photography.

Viking also allows you to overlay additional information on the maps, including creating grids. The grids are just drawn as lines (no reference numbers).

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answered 22 Jul '11, 20:03

jwernerny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

would it be ok for the patients to have gps trackers or even phones that yielded gps positions to your organisation,if legal and if you could get them to wear or take them, and if cost effective.

(24 Jul '11, 14:03) andy mackey

does your town have security cameras that your team could get access to?

(24 Jul '11, 14:08) andy mackey

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question asked: 20 Jul '11, 19:25

question was seen: 5,630 times

last updated: 24 Jul '11, 14:08

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