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I can see that ski pistes are mapped with a line, but this does not give any idea how wide the piste ist. I think the ski piste should be mapped similar to large rivers, where the center line ist mapped and then the area covered with water ist also shown. Is there any way to map the width of a piste? The width is constantly changing alone the route.

asked 08 Jul '18, 18:05

Amanning's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, of course:

Map the center line as a way with piste:type=downhill and also the area as a closed way piste:type=downhill and area=yes.

Like here, for instance:

permanent link

answered 08 Jul '18, 19:33

yvecai's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Thanks yvecai

I have never seen that done, but it is exactly as I thought is should be. Now I have got a lot of work ahead of me to map all the pistes around here.

(08 Jul '18, 20:38) Amanning

For the record, I've also seen people mapping complex situations as multipolygons.

(08 Jul '18, 21:33) yvecai

Although this is not the case in the above example from Les Trois Vallées, the closed way (area) should also have the tag name= (or piste:name=), with the same value of the linear way.

(16 Feb '19, 13:36) solitone

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question asked: 08 Jul '18, 18:05

question was seen: 1,862 times

last updated: 16 Feb '19, 13:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum