Hello fellas. I'm the whole night looking for contour overlays or something to put contour lines over the OSM map, and after several tries, I gonna just give up and find some help here. :( So the question is that simple, where can I find overlay transparent maps with contour lines for the OSM map for garmin devices (http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/) and how do I use it as a overlay of my current map if that is even possible.. I saw some people scripting it out to put contour lines in the same .img (phyghtmap) mixing maps but the links were dead like almost every post I saw about this.. people tend to just download the map with the contour lines preinstalled. :mad: *IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT CONTOUR LINES BUT TO SHADE THE ALTITUDE YOUR ANSWER WILL BE USEFULL TOO! I also tried to use:
I saw this post which is asking almost the same as me but it have no answer (I hope this doesn't get unresolved too): |
I got my contour lines from Freizeitkarte-osm.de, they are already prepared in OSM format. Use Mkgmap to add hill shading. See http://www.openfietsmap.nl/procedure |
I found the answer following this guide: |
Have seen this project https://opentopomap.org/#map=14/51.20758/-4.06125 1
Yes I did, I used to use opentopomap but then I wanted to share my paths and roads so that's why I'm using OSM at the moment.
(03 Jul '18, 12:27)
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Ajoessen/Garminkarten_selber_bauen includes a guide to topo on Garmin |