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sorry for my translation, but it is partly the purpose of my question. OSQA is it intended to be like the wiki?

All this must pass in English and then translate the answers and questions in other languages​​. Or non-English speaking can sit on the questions they ask?

asked 19 Jul '11, 19:28

Zoubiddaaa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Mar '14, 20:33

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

There are also some questions in other languages than English, although this system is not very prepared for this situation (there are no namespaces, everything ends up in the same pool). Please be also aware that you can only get a reply if there is someone who knows the answer AND can understand the language the question is in.

The possible solutions might be to

  • moderate the questions on the local mailing list and then have someone who speaks English transfer it here (and retranslate the answers back),
  • or ask the question in your local language here and see what happens,
  • or wait till someone somehow extends this system to deal with different languages.

The second solution will probably not augment the clarity of this site.

permanent link

answered 26 Jul '11, 18:37

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 26 Jul '11, 18:38

The third option seems the only possible. The questions in other languages​​, will mainly concern the country-specific language. It's my view.

The first solution does not fit, just look at the state of the translation of the wiki.

(26 Jul '11, 21:23) Zoubiddaaa

I am for the second option - there already is tag filtering on this site and dividing it is not a good idea
(Different Q&A sites would likely come up with different answers for the same questions, which is not good. Things that are not country/language specific should not be tagged like if they were.)

(02 Dec '11, 18:22) LM_1

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question asked: 19 Jul '11, 19:28

question was seen: 111,500 times

last updated: 04 Mar '14, 20:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum