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Disclaimer ... new to OpenStreetMaps. Never edited.

The buildings where I work are indicated as one building on the map. They are connected by a common breezeway, but are actually two distinct buildings with two addresses. Can the existing outline be split in two, or should I delete it and re-create two new outlines?

asked 02 Jul '18, 21:56

RWHTX's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The answer depends a lot on what software you're using to edit the map. In this situation, I'd use JOSM along with the "utilplugin2" plugin, which provides a "Split Object" function under the "More Tools" menu. You can select nodes to indicate the dividing line and use the Split Object function, and presto, two buildings.

JOSM has a steep learning curve though, so if you've never done any editing at all it might be easier to start with the built-in web-based editor Id, which includes a beginners tutorial. But Id does not (best I know) have any automatic way to split a building. If I had to do this task with Id, I'd just build two new buildings over the existing one, re-using the existing nodes as much as possible to maintain the shape, then delete the original. But it's always better IMO to recycle than delete.

Also be aware that it's perfectly normal for a single building to have multiple addresses, so leaving it as a single building might be just as "correct" in some sense. For multi-address buildings, the norm is to not add any addr:* tags to the building itself, but rather create a node inside the perimeter for each address (near that address's entrance, if there are separate entrances) and add the addr:* tags to those nodes. Eg,

See also for some basic background on contributing to the map.

Good luck! j

permanent link

answered 03 Jul '18, 00:51

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 03 Jul '18, 00:58


In addition to this answer, you could always make the outline smaller so it fits around one of the 2 buildings and draw a new rectangle or polygon for the second building. No need for a special tool to split a building.

(03 Jul '18, 04:20) escada

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question asked: 02 Jul '18, 21:56

question was seen: 3,060 times

last updated: 03 Jul '18, 04:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum