I'm trying to run an instance of the OpenArdenneMap on my Ubuntu 16.04 server. The tirex systemd units run as user "osm", which also owns the pgsql database. Nevertheless I'm getting a permissions error. /var/lib/mod_tile/ard is correctly owned by "osm" (and now even 777):
These are my tirex config files:
What have I overlooked? ----------------------------------- Edit --- I've now changed the plugindir into plugindir=/usr/lib/mapnik/3.0/input but the error remains. |
postgis.input is okay
The user is allowed to create the file /var/lib/tirex/modtile.sock But still I'm getting this when running tirex-master:
My server doesn't contain sensitive data: I would even be ready to give away my login to some expert! |
Yes, this solved my issue. I've then launched A few metatiles were generated, but most timed out:
(The map still doesn't load in Leaflet.) If you don't have fast disks you MUST increase the backend_manager_alive_timeout and master_rendering_timeout in tirex.conf (e.g. to 59 and 60 respectively). Also the syntax for zoom levels in tirex-batch is
(25 Jun '18, 22:27)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Check if the directory you are listing as "plugindir" actually exists, can be accessed by the "tirex" user, and contains a "postgis.input" file that is also readable by tirex. Are you sure that all the required libraries are installed (i.e. did you install with a proper package manager)?
This error message is something different than the one you reported above. Try
chmod 777 /var/run/tirex/master.sock
to get rid of the permission issue. Are you running SELinux by any chance?