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I'm trying to run an instance of the OpenArdenneMap on my Ubuntu 16.04 server. The tirex systemd units run as user "osm", which also owns the pgsql database. Nevertheless I'm getting a permissions error.

/var/lib/mod_tile/ard is correctly owned by "osm" (and now even 777): drwxrwxrwx 2 osm osm 4096 Jun 25 01:22 .

Jun 25 01:55:28 host tirex-backend-manager[15979]: tirex-backend-mapnik[17153]: cannot add /etc/tirex/renderer/osm/osm.conf
Jun 25 01:55:28 host tirex-backend-mapnik[17153]: cannot add /etc/tirex/renderer/osm/osm.conf
Jun 25 01:55:28 host tirex-backend-manager[15979]: tirex-backend-mapnik[17153]: Could not create datasource for type: 'postgis' (no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)  encountered during parsing of layer 'landuse' in Layer at line 165 of '/home/osm/OpenArdenneMap/cartoCSS/OpenArdenneMap.xml'
Jun 25 01:55:28 host tirex-backend-mapnik[17153]: Could not create datasource for type: 'postgis' (no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)  encountered during parsing of layer 'landuse' in Layer at line 165 of '/home/osm/OpenArdenneMap/cartoCSS/OpenArdenneMap.xml'
Jun 25 01:55:28 host tirex-backend-manager[15979]: Cannot load any Mapnik styles

These are my tirex config files:



What have I overlooked?

----------------------------------- Edit ---

I've now changed the plugindir into plugindir=/usr/lib/mapnik/3.0/input but the error remains.

asked 25 Jun '18, 00:00

chazanov's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jun '18, 09:37

Check if the directory you are listing as "plugindir" actually exists, can be accessed by the "tirex" user, and contains a "postgis.input" file that is also readable by tirex. Are you sure that all the required libraries are installed (i.e. did you install with a proper package manager)?

(25 Jun '18, 11:39) Frederik Ramm ♦

This error message is something different than the one you reported above. Try chmod 777 /var/run/tirex/master.sock to get rid of the permission issue. Are you running SELinux by any chance?

(25 Jun '18, 16:42) Frederik Ramm ♦

postgis.input is okay

Cannot open master UNIX domain socket: Permission denied
ls -la /usr/lib/mapnik/3.0/input/postgis.input 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 osm osm 253000 Dec  3  2015 /usr/lib/mapnik/3.0/input/postgis.input

The user is allowed to create the file /var/lib/tirex/modtile.sock

But still I'm getting this when running tirex-master:

Cannot open master UNIX domain socket: Permission denied

My server doesn't contain sensitive data: I would even be ready to give away my login to some expert!

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answered 25 Jun '18, 14:36

chazanov's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jun '18, 14:36

Yes, this solved my issue.

I've then launched tirex-batch -p 50 map=osm bbox=5.9654,50.3627,9.514,52.5061 z=0,9

A few metatiles were generated, but most timed out:

Jun 25 17:52:33 host tirex-master[10737]: Job with id=1529937746_33410336 timed out on rendering list (map=osm z=0 x=0 y=0)
Jun 25 18:02:53 host tirex-master[10737]: Job with id=1529937746_36479432 timed out on rendering list (map=osm z=3 x=0 y=0)
Jun 25 18:02:53 host tirex-master[10737]: Job with id=1529937746_36454544 timed out on rendering list (map=osm z=2 x=0 y=0)

(The map still doesn't load in Leaflet.)

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answered 25 Jun '18, 17:17

chazanov's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jun '18, 17:24

If you don't have fast disks you MUST increase the backend_manager_alive_timeout and master_rendering_timeout in tirex.conf (e.g. to 59 and 60 respectively). Also the syntax for zoom levels in tirex-batch is z=0-9 not z=0,9.

(25 Jun '18, 22:27) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 25 Jun '18, 00:00

question was seen: 2,405 times

last updated: 25 Jun '18, 22:27

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