Is it possible to overlay a scaled image on the map for more accurate plotting of nodes/streets? I work for a Residential Developer and am trying to find a way to upload address points, streets, and other features within the newly constructed neighborhoods (with more accuracy than guessing if nodes are spaced appropriately). Any thoughts/suggestions?? Also, does anyone know if other maps (bing/google/apple) pull this inputted information? I have attempted to reach out to Google and Apple about updating address points (and our willingness to provide any/all relevant development info Plat Maps/CAD Files/City provided addresses/etc. to assist with onboarding) but have never received any response or feedback.. Submitted feedback of incorrect address points for whole subdivisions, yet no updates ever take place. I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide! Thanks! |
The JOSM PicLayer plugin can load and scale images. I've used it on 1 occasioń myself. Mapwarper might also prove usefull. I can't imagine Google copying OSM data, since they would have accept our licence in order to do that. Not sure to which degree Apple would pull our data, but they do have a small team editing OSM. |
It is possible to use building site plans, i have converted one or two into Garmin Custom Maps for surveying with a Garmin GPS and Basecamp. BUT often site plans will have been based on a copyrighted map, usually Ordnance Survey in the the UK, I doubt you should copy from that plan even if you think you have permission from the Builders to use it. Probably best to use it as a basis for survey, Copying street names could be ok assuming they were agreed and sourced from Builders and local Government. I like to map construction sites even roughley or estimated. Employees, delivery drivers and buyers all struggle to find new sites, even people living in the area won't know where they are especially if they have been given a new name without ant historical link. I also add site offices, delivery points and sales offices as soon as possible. OSM is very good for this new and transient information. The documents I would be using for overlays are the City Approved Final Plats that we drafted with our local engineers. If I knew more of the technical side, I could take our engineers CAD files with actual GPS/elevation points.. What I was looking to do was take the PDF (or accepted file type) and overlay it on the OSM interface so I could place address/street points with more accuracy. These documents and addresses are what were approved and provided from the City and County officials.. I wouldn't expect them to change or deviate once they are approved and recorded with the county. With all of this being said, how would I convert the file to use in OSM? I tried to import in layering, but did not see an area to import an image (only various preselected maps). I am very new to this so my apologies if I don't fully understand all of the technical info. Thanks!
(25 Jun '18, 15:45)
I haven't tried overlays in JOSM so i can't help you with them. Is it possible to get Lat Lon coordinates from these plans? if so you could plot some location in most editors as a guide for roads and junctions. Even looking at a plan on paper with an aerial as background in one of the editors should be a good help in roughley drawing the construction site, it will still be useful to anyone interested. It won't be super accurate but when it is possible to go on the ground, you, or someone else can then improve it.
(27 Jun '18, 20:29)
andy mackey
A good alternative of course could be to pull out your gps-receiver and go drive back and forth those roads a couple times recording: That should help you create a fairly accurate map, unencumbered by any licenses.