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I have been using Maps.Me on iOS to slowly add POIs in my neighborhood to OSM – about 5-10 POIs a day.

But starting yesterday I’ve had a odd issue – I can log in at the OSM website using my e-mail ( and password, but when I try to log in through Maps.Me using the same credentials (I did copy and paste to ensure they were the same) I get an invalid username or password error message.

Is it possible that I have been locked out from the Maps.Me app, but still have access from the OSM website? If so, then I believe this is the right place to ask.

I have reported this to Maps.Me as well. My gut feeling is it their issue. However it worked on the 19th, and my upgrade is dated the 15th. So in that regard, I think it is not definite.

asked 21 Jun '18, 16:07

JW40206's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 28 Oct '23, 14:05

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦



I have a same problem.

I found the error from the log of I have failed to login with the following URL

(22 Jun '18, 22:28) yopey

Here is the answer I got from Maps.Me - seems to indicate it’s their error, but doesn’t really give a warm fuzzy.

Hello, Joe,

Thank you for the reply.

We plan to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

(22 Jun '18, 23:52) JW40206

I have the same problem, and it is now 2021, 3 years after this question was posted.

(14 Aug '21, 19:18) Iloilo Wanderer

Well, then I guess someone should complain tovthe guys again.

(14 Aug '21, 22:25) TZorn

The problem still exists for me, I can't login anymore after setting up a new mobile phone. Anyone any ideas why?


[Android 10, Xiaomi Redmi Note Pro 8]

(10 Sep '21, 07:15) sloppywu

Hi Sloppywu. As pointed out here and also in other questions this seems be a problem on side which cannot be solved here. You need to contact them.

You may also want to try Organic Maps which is a clone of by the app's former developers. I am able to log in and edit with that map.

(10 Sep '21, 08:47) TZorn

Same problem!!!

(04 Oct '21, 00:46) Tamás


I too cannot login my OpenStreetMap account from

(08 Nov '21, 10:08) BackpackerWebs

so sad that will not fix it, moving to organic maps 👍🏼

(22 Nov '21, 20:11) divinepretender

I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?

(01 Dec '21, 12:45) starrtiktokk
  1. and the problem is still there
(28 Oct '23, 11:50) Lucid Dreamer
showing 5 of 11 show 6 more comments

The question has been closed for the following reason "I've answered the question. People still with problems need to follow the advice already given." by SomeoneElse 28 Oct '23, 14:05

This question has just been resurrected again, so I'll answer it and close it.

If you have a problem with, you will need to contact the developers of that app.

Alternatively, as numerous people have suggested above, you may also want to try Organic Maps which is a clone of the free parts of by the app's former developers, and is actively maintained.

permanent link

answered 28 Oct '23, 14:04

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 21 Jun '18, 16:07

question was seen: 6,845 times

last updated: 28 Oct '23, 14:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum