Hello everyone, So I've used @SomeoneElse's guide to creating a tile server. Right now the renderd tiles are being cached/stored in a folder system on the server /var/lib/mod_tile/<map name="">. We're trying to figure out if there are any ways to cut the costs of requests and cache tiles with memcache and/or CDN. Our server will be getting about 1k-10k requests per minute. We've already installed the mapnik vector tiles in order to cut costs (https://github.com/mapbox/mapnik-vector-tile). We're trying to figure out how much this will cost and if we could possibly knock those costs down. I know that there is an option to use Squid Cache, so I imagine that someone has done it for memcache and a CDN. However, I have not found anything online of anyone doing this before. Has anyone here used memcache and/or a CDN in the past with their tile server, and what steps need to be done for both of these methods? I have been toying around with TileCache, using mod_wsgi, and Mapnik; however, I have run into two problems...
So my questions here are: First, has anyone run into this issue before using TileCache, and if so how did you fix it? Or any ideas on how to fix this issue of the blank tiles. Second, are there any suitable replacements for TileCache? As I stated above, I am aware of Squid and am also aware of the other Tile Proxies, but they do not give me the load that these options can handle. If any of these works better or there is a better caching system out there, PLEASE let me know. Thank you all so much, Will |
Seriously... Any help at all would be appreciated immensely. Even pointing me towards a better site to ask this question if nobody here knows.