Hello, I'm trying to use OSM to get data for a mock navigation system in my city. However when I download the OSM data there is a lot of extraneous data that I do not need. Before I ask for help, I'll go ahead and explain what I'm trying to do. My problem statement is that I wish to treat an intersection as a node and have all the "highways"(as OSM's definition of highway, which to my understanding is any street) that connect to that node be treated as if they were an edge on a graph. Is there an api that could assist me in this I.E. Navit, gosomore, Read only api's ect? I'm trying to figure out how I should attack this problem and could use some suggestions from more experienced people. Thank you for your help in advance. |
For more help you can ask in one of the OSM mailing lists about Routing ... maybe there are some more experts. Elsewise you can investigate all opensource navigation software that can deal with OSM data, see Routing. And maybe you can find some more general information how to deal with OSM data at Develop -> Frameworks Thankyou, I have contacted the mailing list and they are very helpful.
(19 Jul '11, 20:52)