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I use a Garmin Edge 705 for all my rides. Your OpenStreetMaps map built and unzipped fine, brilliant !! I loaded it into a new folder named Garmin on a freshly-formatted empty 32GB micro SD card, installed it into my Garmin Edge 705 and booted it up.... and the Garmin sees the OSM map perfectly, more brilliant !! BUT, when I then remove the micro SD card from my Garmin, the map disappears..... it does NOT actually download into the device. I have tried multiple times in various different manners..... but the results are always the same. Has anyone else experienced..... and worked around, this same "won't actually download" problem with a Garmin GPS unit? Many thanks in advance. Dave M., Göteborg / Sweden.

asked 12 Jun '18, 16:59

Morton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I thought that what you were describing is how it's supposed to work? The Garmin can load maps from the SD card or from it's internal memory (if big enough); it doesn't copy everything from external to internal before displaying.

(12 Jun '18, 17:24) SomeoneElse ♦

Thank you very much SomeoneElse for your response to my question. Clearly I mistakenly believed that a .img map would actually be downloaded onto my Garmin Edge 705 device..... as opposed to the Micro SD card having to be retained within the unit, in order to view the map. A simple comparison of map file size vs. 705 internal memory capacity would have solved this issue for me right up front..... dah !! Sometimes the solution is just too simple :-). Cheers, Dave M.

(13 Jun '18, 08:39) Morton

You didn't note what program you where using to install the maps on your device, but in general you can choose the destination. In any case the micro SD card should be preferred over the internal storage (if something goes wrong you can boot without it, more space and so on). As SomeoneElse wrote, your expectation that the map files should get copied to the device is incorrect.

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answered 12 Jun '18, 20:29

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you very much SimonPoole for your response to my question. Clearly I mistakenly believed that a .img map would actually be downloaded onto my Garmin Edge 705 device..... as opposed to the Micro SD card having to be retained within the unit, in order to view the map. A simple comparison of map file size vs. 705 internal memory capacity would have solved this issue for me right up front..... dah !! Sometimes the solution is just too simple :-). Cheers, Dave M.

(13 Jun '18, 08:40) Morton

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question asked: 12 Jun '18, 16:59

question was seen: 1,797 times

last updated: 13 Jun '18, 08:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum