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I installed the Nominatim on an EC2 instance in AWS and importing the whole world.

For me its use is similar to Facebook and Instagram in relation to the location of the posts. In my app a post has a location, so users can filter posts from a specific location.

So far so good, now I need to let the user create places according to their need and that place appears in the Search and Reverse API of Nominatim.

I need a simple interface, like Facebook's.

If it does not have anything like that, can you point out a way for me to develop the solution myself? I've already researched several OSM editors and found nothing like it.

Thank you

asked 12 Jun '18, 14:59

gnosis7's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you wanted to use an OSM editor for this, you would have to have an OSM API and database, where your users add content and that then gets fed into your Nominatim instance (assuming that you do not want your users to add data to the global OpenStreetMap database - which would be a wholly different issue).

Setting up your own OSM API and database including replication to OSM is going to be difficult, and the OSM editors are built for much more than adding POIs so their interface will not necessarily be simple, although there are some editors specifically for that, like

What could be an option for you is writing your own web application that lets users add a POI, and then generate a short "osc" file for that, a changeset that only contains the addition of one node. You can then consume that using Nominatim's update.php and add it to your database.

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answered 12 Jun '18, 15:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Frederik Ramm thank's for your time, Exactly what I need, I do not want POIs entered by users to be added to the OpenStreetMap global database. How would I use on my own instance? Is there any documentation on how to generate the "osc" file? If I generate an "osc" file, can I generate it with all the relationships I see in the details.php of the nominatim in the session address?

(12 Jun '18, 15:37) gnosis7

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question asked: 12 Jun '18, 14:59

question was seen: 3,669 times

last updated: 12 Jun '18, 15:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum