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Hiya, i'm very new to OSM. I want to use OSM on my Garmin Zumo 660 (motorcycle GPS).

  1. Downloaded the zip file.
  2. Copied gmapsupp.img to my Garmin folder on the 16G memory card, after of course renaming the original img file to "gmapsupp.imgR"
  3. Did the above in Linux Mint, using the interface and not a terminal window.
  4. Started the Zumo, removed the X from the old map and put an x in the OSM map file.
  5. Tried to search with an address, but after choosing the prefecture (Tokyo), the menu system goes back to the menu with with the 6 icons (Phone number, Address (Japan), Go Home, Favorites, etc) That happens in both English and Japanese.

QUESTION: How in the world can i search for an address?

Welcome any/all help regarding this, as i don't want to go to the only company handling Japanese maps here in Japan and buy from them at $400 this time. Very tired of that!!

Thank you.

asked 08 Jun '18, 03:49

Noppojp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Does the map display on the zumo?

(08 Jun '18, 15:47) andy mackey

This map displays and i can search successfully with it on my Garmin nuvi 1310t

(08 Jun '18, 15:50) andy mackey

Yes, the map displays fine. Just can't search addresses which defeats my purpose.

(08 Jun '18, 22:52) Noppojp

I suggest you try any Garmin suitable map provider, maybe one of the Japanese maps mentioned on

(09 Jun '18, 04:14) nevw

Noppojp some maps may not have searchable data try opentopo or nevw suggestions

(09 Jun '18, 09:12) andy mackey

If you can pre-plan on a PC. Do the search on the PC, zoom in on openstreetmap with the destination in the center, note the Lat long see the N =52.14031 and the West (=minus sign) =0.04495 in this case. On my Garmins I do "where to" "Coordinates" set format "h ddd.dddd" ( as used by Openstreetmap) type in n 52.14031 w 0.o4495 "next" Does the map show the correct place yes? then "Go!" this works for me which is OK if you can pre-plan. If on the road "Where to" "Browse Map" browse and do a "Go"

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answered 08 Jun '18, 09:02

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 08 Jun '18, 12:57

Note West of zero and South of the equator on OSM use negative (-) values

(08 Jun '18, 12:55) andy mackey

Thank you for your comments. i don't even know how to apply your comment to how i use the Zumo. Maybe the Zumo isn't cut out for using OSMs. Dunno.

(08 Jun '18, 22:54) Noppojp

The Zumo should be fine. which bit information don't you understand

(09 Jun '18, 09:04) andy mackey

Note: You can ignore negative values in Japan north and east are both positive values. I only mentioned that South and West are negative for others.

(09 Jun '18, 09:15) andy mackey

Have a look on map to see if those addresses you have searched for are mapped. You may find that the Garmin suitable osm maps for your area may be fine for the road network but are lacking address details. For my country the best that can be expected is to find the street name and town but not the house numbers and I expect this is a common situation in most countries. The $400 you pay buys comprehensive datasets I expect, but I have a new Toyota and the address details and trying to enter a route are very poor so far for such expensive equipment and they charge over $300 for updated maps, so throwing more money at the problem does not always help. I wish you well with solving the address problems in the osm map for your country.

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answered 08 Jun '18, 09:18

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 08 Jun '18, 09:32

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question asked: 08 Jun '18, 03:49

question was seen: 2,330 times

last updated: 09 Jun '18, 09:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum