Well I'm about to give up on my Garmin 60CSx. I've been trying to download maps on it and here's what I've done so far:
At this point, when I go into "setup" and "map" on the device, I can only see "Americas Marine Point Basemap, Jan 2001." This must be stored on the device as the 16gb sd card is new and does not contain any other .img files. When I open up BaseCamp on the computer and connect the Garmin in USB mode, I can see the British Isles map appear in the internal storage with the map icon next to it. However, the problem remains that I see no evidence of the map on the device. Any ideas of where to go from here? -Nate |
Could this be caused by the problem described in https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/63954/problem-installing-maps-on-device-using-latest-basecamp-version ? If you are using the latest basecamp version, try downgrading to 4.6.2.
"Americas Marine Point Basemap, Jan 2001." sounds odd. Do you need to go into setup and change from marine to non-marine use? This might be "setup / marine / marine chart mode / off", but I'm guessing here.
The GPS 60 may not work with micro SDs larger than 4GB or 8GB which is annoying as < 16GB are hard to find now.
see http://www.gpscity.com/questions?qid=2518