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I've done a few OSM edits for my local area and most roads and buildings are now upto date and correct, however, I recently noticed that the mapping of bus routes is highly out of date or even just totally missing. However, when trying to make some I found some anomalies in the routes and I wasn't clear how to map them, ideas/thoughts welcome.

Notably, that during rural areas some routes partly run on a request basis. For example, the route may run along the main road but deviate into some of the local villages if someone on board wishes to get off. On some of these deviations, it isn't possible to board the bus. You don't need to book, just ask the driver when you get on. In some cases it may be possible to be picked up but you'll ether need to tell the driver earlier in the day or phone up. In other cases the last bus may only run past a certain point if passengers wish to get off (again no booking needed). In my head there should be something I can put as a member ( - like forwards/backwards) but I can't find anything. The stop entery/exit only members for bus stops aren't realy appropriate as these routes also operate on a hail and ride basis, which means there are no defined bus stops on the ground, the drivers will stop anywhere they deem safe. I could though add these members to the roads rather then the stops?

If your curious about how this is displayed on the timetable: or

Also, many of these bus routes only run in the summer, is there a way for routes to be tagged as seasonal? Or should they be deleted and re-added. But this seems like a huge pain. I'm currently adding them in a browser but this seems very annoying, is there a better way, for example, a UI which lets me pick a route and then just click on roads without having to select the relation each time.

Finally, due to the closure of one of the bridges many routes are running to different routes. Usually if there was a random few days for some roadworks i'd feel like it would be more effort then its worth as they only last a few days, however, in this case the changes are expected to be in place for a year while the bridge is effectively rebuilt. Other mappers have already changed a "highway=construction" tag to the bridge but all bus route relations still pass through it. Should the routes be moved? And is there a way to easily undo them?

Any thoughts/ideas appreciated.

asked 05 Jun '18, 11:30

skifans's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi @skifans,

Notably, that during rural areas some routes partly run on a request basis

As per what's being used (see this relation for example), probably you could use a bus=on_demand relation for those. The tag is currently undocumented but is in use according to taginfo. Practically you group your village stops in the relation; the route itself isn't fixed so you can't add ways to map it.

however, in this case the changes are expected to be in place for a year while the bridge is effectively rebuilt.

IMHO if it will take a year then you should map the routes according to their current [temporary] itinerary and edit it again when the bridge reopens and the bus takes its normal route.

permanent link

answered 07 Jun '18, 06:44

Privatemajory's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 07 Jun '18, 06:45

Thanks for your help, the tag looks like the closest I'll realy get so even though it isn't quite the same as that Belgium route I'll go for it.

(08 Jun '18, 20:51) skifans

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question asked: 05 Jun '18, 11:30

question was seen: 2,481 times

last updated: 08 Jun '18, 20:52

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