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For my project I want to find all streets that can be reached within a certain driving distance. A practical example would be a car that has 50km mileage left. Which streets can be reached?

The long way of doing this would be to set up a Shortest Tree Path from the starting point and cut at the desired range from the starting point to get all way ids.

I was wondering if there is maybe an easier way. For example if I find all outermost way ids that are reachable with x km mileage left. Is there a way to deduct all way ids that are within this outer circle of way ids, meaning closer to the starting point and therefore reachable? Is there a way id naming convention that helps with this? Basically what is important for my project is getting all way or even node ids that are reachable within a ceratain mileage from a starting point. Thanks a lot!

asked 04 Jun '18, 18:08

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What data source you want to use for that? API / imported OSM database?

(05 Jun '18, 12:44) altopalo

Right now I am planning to download map tiles from osm and then find all way_ids that are within a certain distance. Probably by defining an outer perimeter where a specific street is just within reach of x km from starting point. And in the second step find all way_id that are within this perimeter / GPS point within this geometry(polygon, circle, rectangle, whatever it might end up looking like)

(06 Jun '18, 21:07) TobiC

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question asked: 04 Jun '18, 18:08

question was seen: 1,265 times

last updated: 06 Jun '18, 21:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum