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I have setup nominatim in my server and its working fine but if I search a address with the following pattern its not returning any geocoding results:

city/street name/House No./postal code OR city/street name/postal code/House No.

But returning result for same if I supply the post code before street name or or city. city/postal code/street name/House No. OR postal code/city/street name/House No.

For Example: Working :

Not working:

It would also be helpful if you can let me know what is the correct way to search and if i missing something. Thanks

asked 31 May '18, 22:05

suroKarma's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 May '18, 22:13

Commas will help Nominatim to distinguish the address components better. They're optional, but for postcode and housenumbers next to each other useful. Try (Here the exact building isn't found because the street is named 'Allée Verte - Groendreef', not 'Allée Verte').

permanent link

answered 31 May '18, 23:40

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

which is still strange, as the street has name:fr and name:nl. When I search for Groendreef 10, Brussel, the third answer is that building.

The same for allee verte 10, bruxelles.

It's even the only answer for "allee verte 10, 1000" or "brussels, allee verte 10"

So just use comma's to seperate city/street + housenumber/postal.

(01 Jun '18, 04:16) escada

thanks for answering, the street has two names one in fr and one in nl so any of the name should be fine.

But if i get input from a consumer and the address parts may jumble and i don't have control over the request then if i put a comma after each address parts still for some combination it wont work.

for example:

But in the the below case i'm getting a response but not the exact house address:

(01 Jun '18, 08:58) suroKarma

but its strange if i parse only <street>,<house number="">,<post code=""> which is without the city name but in the same order, its working.

(01 Jun '18, 10:49) suroKarma

Nomatim has its limitations on recognizing the parts. Why do you insist on putting Brussels in front ? As I showed above, it works when Brussels is placed at the end. It even works without comma then.

(01 Jun '18, 21:56) escada

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question asked: 31 May '18, 22:05

question was seen: 6,012 times

last updated: 01 Jun '18, 21:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum