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I have a problem with the JOSM Plugin WMSPlugin. Every time I ativate the OpenStreetMap WMS there is only a red background with "Fehler". When I am in the download area where I can download the OSM data I see the OpenStreetMap... What is my fault?!

Thank you for your answers

asked 12 Aug '10, 09:47

dermuell's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Aug '10, 14:23

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

A workaround for overload problems is to right-click on the layer and choose "Reload erroneous tiles".

(12 Aug '10, 11:48) katpatuka

The OpenStreetMap WMS in JOSM doesn't seem to be working for me either, it just gives red squares with "Exception occured".

Another option for using background maps in JOSM is the SlippyMap plugin. This also has the option of showing OSM Mapnik maps, and its working fine for me.

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answered 12 Aug '10, 14:09

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

The WMS plugin for JOSM supports a number of built-in WMS servers. None of them is called "OpenStreetMap WMS"; you are probably referring to either the Landsat WMS or the Yahoo WMS.

If your problem is with the Yahoo WMS then you are probably missing the extra downloader software which is required for legal reasons. See the Wiki for details.

If your problem is with the Landsat WMS then you are affected by a general overload problem with the Landsat server that many seem to have at the moment. One possible solution for this is to replace the Landsat URL in your JOSM configuration by which is a caching proxy that should work better.

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answered 12 Aug '10, 10:02

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

JOSM spews a lot of information to the command console window if you run it that way. This includes the exact WMS URLs being requested, and possibly useful error messages as you get the red Exception tiles.

If you're not seeing the command window, you could try running/installing JOSM differently so that you see this. For example on windows you could make a bat file to run it from.

This might help you diagnose the problem (might)

There is an open enhancement request to improve the error display

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answered 20 Aug '10, 17:34

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 21 Aug '10, 13:09

There is mapnik OpenStreetMap WMS at JOSM URL is

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answered 19 Aug '10, 19:22

Kom%D1%8Fpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is a Server called OpenStreetMap in Properties->WMS. This one is not working. I only want a OpenStreetMap Map as a background.

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answered 12 Aug '10, 12:29

dermuell's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


For normal mapnik background there is a SlippyMap plugin for this.

(12 Aug '10, 22:39) Gnonthgol ♦

Thank you very much! That`s exactly what I want! Is this OpenStreetMap WMS thing a bug? What do you mean?

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answered 12 Aug '10, 15:17

dermuell's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


dermuell, if you want to comment on something it's best to click "add new comment" in the right place. The textbox at the bottom of each page is for answers to the original question from other people.

(13 Aug '10, 17:09) Andy Allan

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question asked: 12 Aug '10, 09:47

question was seen: 24,413 times

last updated: 21 Aug '10, 13:09

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