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Hi My Potlatch 2 background image options have disappeared today. Could someone check if it's just me?

Is the list stored locally within my browser (Firefox Win7)? What the best way to get it back?


alt text

asked 30 May '18, 19:16

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 30 May '18, 20:17

I did some edits yesterday and the background options were there but now i get the same result, no images. I just tried iD and it still as backgrounds. I am using Win10 PC Google Chrome and Flash.

(30 May '18, 20:06) andy mackey

Not just me then.

(30 May '18, 20:34) SK53 ♦

same issue here. what happened?

(30 May '18, 22:01) felipeedwards

Edit: Fixed now! Thanks for your patience.

permanent link

answered 30 May '18, 22:04

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 30 May '18, 23:36


Thank you very much Richard.

(30 May '18, 22:11) felipeedwards

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question asked: 30 May '18, 19:16

question was seen: 1,792 times

last updated: 30 May '18, 23:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum