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OSM was recommended by several navigation software utilities, but after spending a couple of hours looking at the web page, I still was uncertain about how to export it so that I can use it with a GPS device and navigation software. If I just export it as a JPG, then it will not contain GPS data? I know that it needs to be in a format compatible with the navigation software, but have no idea what formats to export it to that will also contain GPS data. Your FAQ is more for developers than for people who want to use the maps for navigation. Could you add map user FAQs to your FAQ to help people like me who are new to OSM and who do not know how to use it? There is a brief section on how to export, but it is very confusing and does not explain if the export will contain GPS data or not.

asked 18 Jul '11, 01:21

osmquest's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You're absolutely correct that a .JPG will not be much use for routing.

Generally speaking with GPS devices you've got a couple of options:

  1. Download the data from OSM and convert it into something that your GPS device can understand.
  2. Download data that your GPS device can understand from someone who's already converted it for you.

The Planet page in the wiki describes various ways of getting raw data that you could use to convert it yourself. If you want to download maps ready to go, then your best bet is to search the OSM wiki (and this help site) for the brand of your GPS device.

Taking a specific example, if you've got a Garmin device, then this page describes information both about "Pre-made maps" and "Creating your own maps from OSM data".

If you have a GPS device that isn't mentioned on the wiki or in other help questions, then it's still worth asking whether there's any way of getting an OSM map onto it - someone may have done it even though it's not documented here yet.

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answered 18 Jul '11, 03:05

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

if you're talking about offline navigation, then it still depends on your GPS device. If it's an Android phone, I'd highly recommend using OsmAnd

You can load your gpx tracks in addition to offline maps (by regions). I find it really conveniant.

Anyway, if you have a standard GPS device such as Tomtom, I don't think it's possible to load extra updated OSM maps within its closed source navigation software:

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answered 18 Jul '11, 06:37

otto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hm, is there a way to isolate a single layer (a bike path drawn in OSM) and export it as a gps track?

[The software I have available can import and show tracks, but it won't show the bike path as part of the OSM.]

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answered 20 Jul '11, 23:47

opfeifer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You're probably better off asking that as a separate question - that way answers to your question won't get mixed up with answers to the original one. OSQA (which this site uses) isn't really suited to "new answers within questions"; as people vote, the answers (including new questions) get re-ordered.

(21 Jul '11, 13:52) SomeoneElse ♦

you can draw it with JOSM, and export it to gpx afterwards.

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answered 21 Jul '11, 13:35

otto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This link will allow you to trace a route on OSM and then save it as a GPX so you could then put in on a GPS But if you want a map on your GPS we might be able to help if you tell us the make and model. This company allows the use of their map software with OSM .both allow free use.

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answered 21 Jul '11, 20:24

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 18 Jul '11, 01:21

question was seen: 12,763 times

last updated: 21 Jul '11, 20:24

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