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I'm a new mapper and I've been tracing buildings from Bing map whenever I found time. I used Potlatch P2 (in my lunch breaks) and JOSM at home. I added house numbers and street names to lots of the buildings already. Until yesterday all my corrections appeared on the website after a few minutes. Since yesterday (or the day before that?) all my corrections are gone in the highest two zoom levels, but still present in lower zoom levels.

I already used several different browsers / computers to verify that's not a cache setting. Buildings are still there to be seen in Potlatch and JOSM, though Potlatch marks several points with problem-signs, which I created with JOSM...

Oh, and just now I saw that with Osmarender, the buildings also are there...

Location to see this: search for "obersulm, rohrendorfer platz"

I'd like to continue mapping, but only if I can be sure that my work doesn't disappear...

Thanks, tteifel

asked 17 Jul '11, 08:26

tteifel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are currently undergoing maintenance at one of the data centers. The tile rendering of the mapnik layer is halted until this is done. It seems you got the lower zoom levels rendered just before the maintenance but the higher zoom levels have not been rerendered after your change. After the maintenance is done theese tiles will be rerendered.

Be assured that your changes have been correct and therefore other maps like osmarender will continue to render tiles with your changes.

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answered 17 Jul '11, 09:45

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thank you for your answers. Everything is back to normal now, I'm glad nothing is lost.

(18 Jul '11, 19:07) tteifel

In the main map view at you have a little "+" sign in the right upper corner. Zoom in on your area so that you can see many details and click at the + ... select the additional "data" layer.

As long as the data serber are still working you can see there all uploaded OSM data immideatly after you uploaded it with your editor, independent of the differenet renderers like Mapnik or Osmarender because they may need some time to process your new data.

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answered 18 Jul '11, 16:27

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 17 Jul '11, 08:26

question was seen: 5,620 times

last updated: 18 Jul '11, 19:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum