I've got a list of power plant locations. How can I query the presence and id of a power=plant way around this location? asked 23 May '18, 19:13 Druzhba |
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I've got a list of power plant locations. How can I query the presence and id of a power=plant way around this location? asked 23 May '18, 19:13 Druzhba |
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question asked: 23 May '18, 19:13
question was seen: 1,326 times
last updated: 24 May '18, 18:45
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Why does it not find BMW ?
That way is more than 300 metres away from the coordinates you're checking. You'll need to increase the "around" distance.