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Quite off season but well. I'm tagging a lot of christmas trees plantation around my place. I always used:

1) landuse=farmland + produce=christmas_trees (+ leaf_type=needleleaved + leaf_cycle=evergreen + landcover=trees). See (you can run it at the world scale safely)

The rational is that in my country christmas trees must be grown in a farmland: legally you cannot cut a forest to grow christmas trees instead. In addition, they will be always cut before getting more than 2 m height, and they are grown in places that can be far from forested areas. So I exclude the tagging scheme landuse=forest+produce=christmas_trees

But recently, I came across:

2) landuse=plant_nursery + trees=christmas_trees. See

What do you think?

Merry Christmas,


asked 21 May '18, 13:47

juminet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would not use landuse=farmland and rely on the produce tag. This in general violates the principle of least surprise.

I think that landuse=plant_nursery is the most widely used tag for this purpose. See the wiki.

Note that christmas trees may be one of several species of conifer.

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answered 21 May '18, 17:26

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 21 May '18, 17:28

Indeed, I think that's the most adequate tagging scheme. I'll start replacing "my" christmas trees fields.

(22 May '18, 19:47) juminet

I think all of those tagging methods are correct, including sectioning off a portion of farmland as a forested area of the entereprise if preferred. Depending on the individual situation any one of those methods would be correct for a particular case. Merry Xmas

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answered 21 May '18, 14:31

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 21 May '18, 14:32

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question asked: 21 May '18, 13:47

question was seen: 1,908 times

last updated: 30 May '18, 20:59

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