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I joined Open street map and made three minor changes around my apartment. I made sure to use google maps to give the accurate information. After first change, I have typed a changeset comments, when I made the second and third change, it used the comment I provided for the first change. Now If anyone wanna see those comments, it wont be helpful for them. I feel bad for this mistake. Please give me some suggestions that i can do now to fix it. I will make sure that I will never do this mistake again.


asked 17 May '18, 11:16

dev's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What is your OSM user name?

Changeset comments can't be changed afterwards. However you can open your changeset in your browser to add a comment to it.

I made sure to use google maps to give the accurate information.

You are not allowed to add copyrighted information to OSM. Google Maps is not a valid source for adding/correcting OSM data! Please remove this information from OSM and use alternative sources. See mapping techniques for possible sources.

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answered 17 May '18, 11:49

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Don't fret too much dev, I think lots of people have made the same mistake at one time or another. Certainly I have. Auto-populating fields is a mixed blessing.

You have 3 choices:

  • Just forget about it. It's probably not a big deal, and anyone who does end up browsing the changeset comments will probably see that the changes don't match up with the description and correctly deduce how it happened.
  • Refine geometry or add/revise tags on the objects in question, save changes again, and clarify the mistake in the new comment. This really isn't necessary unless you think there's important information to convey about the changeset to future mappers.
  • Revert the changeset and redo your work. Generally this would be overkill, but since you implied that you may have pulled information from Google Maps, this might actually be the best choice. Google's terms of service explicitly forbid this, so it can get the OSM project into legal trouble. Unfortunately reverting a changset, even your own, is not an easy process. See this question for some discussion.
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answered 21 May '18, 19:48

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 17 May '18, 11:16

question was seen: 3,237 times

last updated: 21 May '18, 19:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum