I have an example of how it works with Google Maps (see below). I want the map to be opened via OpenStreetMap. Can one of you rewrite the code? str = "<iframe width="" 425""="" height="" 350""="" frameborder="" 0""="" scrolling="" no""="" marginheight="" 0""="" marginwidth="" 0""="" src="" http:="" maps.google.de="" maps?f="q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q="" &="" _="" strstrasse="" &="" "="" "="" &="" me!hausnummer="" &="" "+"="" &="" strort="" &="" "+"="" &="" me!plz="" &="" "&sll=" & strK & " &sspn="0.098084,0.368647&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear="" &="" _="" strstrasse="" &="" "="" "="" &="" me!hausnummer="" &="" ","="" &="" me!plz="" &="" "+"="" &="" strort="" &="" "&z=" & Me!Zoom & " &ll=" & strK & " &output="embed"""></iframe> |
Have a look at the embed share function on https://www.openstreetmap.org/ :
Thanks, I'll try it.
(17 May '18, 10:35)
If you're putting it inside str = "" as above then you'll also need to replace every " in the generated HTML from the above steps by "" It isn't clear why the string in the question ends with <a which seems to be an incomplete HTML tag - if that is important you might have to add that on the end as well.
(17 May '18, 11:15)
EdLoach ♦