I installed the rails port, imported North Dakota from http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america.html, edited an area with ID editor, then extracted the diff. Upon looking at the diff output file XML (8 kb), I see all the nodes there and it all looks correct. I truncated the db, imported the same pbf from Geofabrik, and then I tried to import the diff but it's not working. Running Osmosis V 0.44.1
Says it completed, but the test road is not actually showing in ID editor. I also tried truncating the DB again, then importing a combined file which also seems to not work.
I also tried downloading an OSC from ID editor which provides "new" node ids such as "<node id="-8"..." Osmosis generates the error "The entity timestamp attribute is missing." How is an OSC supposed to be imported so that it's visible within the ID editor? |