Hi all While trying to map mountain hiking paths, I often find sheep sheepfold made of stone (abandoned or not). They are very common in greek region. Searching for an appropriate tag, just found:
As far as my english knowledge helps me ... the word sheepfold describes better a stone-made sheep shelter. This is also the case in wiktionary, here and here. Should there have been a new tag to describe these land features ? regards |
I map hiking trails like you, and I am recently wondering how to tag stone sheepfolds which are very common in Iran. (See here) I found out there is no standard tag in OSM for it. So we have two choices: I am not native English speaker, anyway I think existing tags which may work is the combination of "barrier" and "landuse". For example for stone sheepfold you can create an area and apply: But "landuse=animal_keeping" is not recommended by OSM. About creating a tag for sheepfold, I think the most appropriate key is "man-made".("landuse" makes no sense while it is about usage of a land and not about a structure.) Anyway, I think "man_made=sheepfold" is the most acceptable tag. |
I suspect many are just mapped with barrier=wall in Britain. Most will be fairly ruinous now too. The term looks fine.
(this is not an answer... just my thoughts, more than 10 char to be a comment ;-) )
thanks SK53 for the answer
barrier=wall along with the tag wall=dry_stone would be a workaround for tagging sheepfolds. But being mostly a tag for those barriers between fields on land, I think still does not describe accurately sheepfolds found on mountains.
Another thing is that there are structures for sheep not made of stone (I suppose those are still in use), which I don't know if are called "sheepfolds" but the have the same use.
following pics says that not all sheepfolds can be tagged as barrier=wall :
In the key landuse there is no description of activities described by words as livestock and husbandry.
Most relevant is the tag landuse=farmyard, but also won't describe well the sheepfold... it is more general.
Anyway sheepfolds, abandoned or in use, made of stone or other material (bricks, zinc panels or whatever) are very common on mountains, and those info could be useful also for hikers (sheepfolds are possible shelters).
thanks in advance
nice photos; first two are classically what I would think of as a sheepfold in UK. Latter two are rather more elaborate. Husbandry seems to have ended up as landuse=animal_keeping (I think developed by a non-native english speaker, see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse%3Danimal_keeping. I'll try & think some more about this.