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Hi all,

Currently, I am working on my Master thesis and I want to assess for my research question whether there is an impact of green areas on the walking (behavior) of (older) adults. Mainly I am working with an agent based modelling software, however I need good shapefiles to import into the software. Currently, I am quite happy with my result in the agent based modelling software, however I feel like that the roads are not that well clean and some roads are not needed, since I am interested in the roads accessible to pedestrians.
Therefore, I have the following questions:

1) Which categories of roads are relevant for pedestrians and what do with unclassified roads -> use or ommit?

2)What is a good way to clean up osm road data in arcmap? -> maybe this question is too broad

asked 10 May '18, 13:56

vliet059's gravatar image

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question asked: 10 May '18, 13:56

question was seen: 1,455 times

last updated: 10 May '18, 13:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum